Territories of migration: Refugees in Space and Time
Questioning migrant experiences and testimonies from Sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East

A one-day conference gathering specialists of Sub-Saharan Africa and of the Middle-East
In the study of the current refugee crisis, the UNHCR highlights two great areas of departure: the Middle East and Central Africa. Cities such as Johannesburg emerged from massive transfers of populations in the late nineteenth century, and recent migrations even reshaped neighbourhoods and their activities. Similarly, Beirut often became a terminus for migrants and refugees fleeing the different crises across the Middle East.
Through the dialogue of researchers and artists, Territories of Migration will propose a new approach, bringing together refugee experiences and testimonies as studied by specialists that rarely have the opportunity to gather.
Wednesday 15 May 2019
8:30 – 16:00 | IFAS-Recherche
62, Juta Street, Braamfontein, Johannesburg
Side exhibitions
May 14th-June 1st 2019
Home in Exile: Life in Zaatari Refugee Camp
An exhibition as part of the ANR research programme LAJEH-Migrations and Conflicts in the Middle East
“Forced migration is an omnipresent social phenomenon, which has deeply impacted the Middle East. Displaying the work of scholars and architects, this exhibition invites the audience to imagine and tackle the complexity of ‘place-making’ and ‘home-making’ within the context of Zaatari refugee camp in Jordan.”
Sea Ghosts by Bruce Clarke
“We intend to give presence to the victims, ordinary people, depicting them behind a metaphoric screen of water ; this thin sheet of water which could save them or engulf them, fragile, beautiful and extremely dangerous. The intention is to pay homage to the thousands of anonymous people who risk everything for a better life for themselves and their families. The exhibit will be symbolic representations of migrants “missing” at sea. Not images asking for pity, not moralizing or giving a lesson or warning, but quite simply figuring these people those missing at sea ; with a presence which was denied to them in the real world where they were relegated to a marginal existence. The visuals will emphasise human dignity. They will be ordinary people but the symbolic transparent mortal frontier of the sea will have diffracted their bodies.”
Exhibitions Opening: Home in Exile and Sea Ghosts
Tuesday 14 May 2019
18:00 | Alliance Française of Johannesburg
17 Lower Park Drive, Parkview, Johannesburg
The conference and the exhibitions are organised by IFAS-Recherche in partnership with the Afro Middle East Centre (AMEC), the Alliance Française in Johannesburg, the African Centre for Migration & Society (ACMS), Wits History Workshop, the ANR-Lajeh, the Institut français du Proche-Orient (Ifpo), the Institut de recherche et d’études sur les mondes arabes et musulmans (Iremam), the Observatoire des Mondes Arabes et Musulmans (OMAM).
These events are part of the celebrations organised for the 80th birthday of the CNRS.

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