Lesedi #22 – November 2020

Lesedi. Field notes #22
Lesedi, the online journal of IFAS-Research, is launching a new special issue of a 100 pages on the actors of freshwater management in Southern Africa (Lesedi #22: Water actors in Southern Africa. Field surveys, interdisciplinarity and social issues). It contains 10 articles written by senior researchers, post-doctoral researchers and Ph.D. students, presenting ongoing research, new fieldworks and collaborative projects in Southern Africa, including South Africa, Malawi, Botswana and Mozambique.
This special issue, was coordinated by Nicolas Verhaeghe (Paris Nanterre University – Mosaïques laboratory – UMR LAVUE 7218 CNRS) and Paul-Malo Winsback (Laboratoire des sciences sociales du politique (LaSSP) – Sciences Po Toulouse, Lille 2 University of Health and Law):
“In this issue of Lesedi, which reflects on the agents of freshwater governance in Southern Africa, water resources are the subject of rich interactions on account of the great social, institutional, geographic as well as climatic diversity of the subcontinent. While it is marked by a highly variable raininess, the region shares a situation of water stress, i.e. a general tendency to freshwater scarcity (Msangi 2014) . Faced with these a priori natural conditions, the political response of the countries of the region is paradoxically caught between what appears to be good regional co-operation as regards water governance, and the persistent difficulties experienced by the populations in accessing water (Swatuk 2017).”
Damien Jourdain and Magalie Bourblanc (GovInn, CIRAD-University of Pretoria) offer a foreword to this issue.
Table of contents
Water Governance Actors in Southern Africa/ Les acteurs de l’eau en Afrique australe
Coordinated by Nicolas Verhaeghe and Paul-Malo Winsback
05| Avant-propos
Gouverner la ressource en eau en Afrique australe –Magalie Bourblanc & Damien Jourdain
07| Introduction
Water Governance Actors in Southern Africa
Field Surveys, Between Interdisciplinarity and Contemporary Issues –Nicolas Verhaeghe & Paul-Malo Winsback
11| Introduction
Les acteurs de l’eau en Afrique australe
Enquêtes de terrain, entre interdisciplinarité et enjeux contemporains –Nicolas Verhaeghe & Paul-Malo Winsback
15| Realising the Human Right to Water in Malawi
Power balance and women’s participation in Water User Associations –Ngcimezile Mbano-Mweso
27| Water Governance and Household Water Security in Botswana
The case of Ngamiland District – Krasposy Kujinga, Gagoitseope Mmopelwa, Cornelis Vanderpost, & Wellington R. L. Masamba
40| “They are the gatekeepers!” Ethnography of a Meeting of the Regional Government for Water Affairs in Southern Africa –Paul-Malo Winsback
51 |« They are the gatekeepers! » Ethnographie d’une rencontre du gouvernement régional de l’eau d’Afrique australe –Paul-Malo Winsback
62| The Building of the Massingir Dam in Southern Mozambique The relocation process and its consequences, 1975-1983 –Paulo José
71| Accessing the Water of the Sabie River in the Heart of a Protected Area:
A Fragile Balance Between Guaranteeing Residents’ Rights and Limiting their Movements –Nicolas Verhaeghe
85| Accéder à l’eau de la Sabie river au cœur d’une aire protégée
Un fragile équilibre entre garantie des droits des riverains et limitation de leurs mouvements –Nicolas Verhaeghe