Category: Lesedi Field Notes
Lesedi #26 – April 2024
Lesedi : Carnets de terrain, la revue en ligne et en accès ouvert de l’IFAS-Recherche, propose un nouveau numéro spécial intitulé « BrAIn Evolution, palaeosciences, neuroscience and artificial intelligence ». Il rend compte des avancées du projet « EndoMap: Mapping the brain of our ancestors », qui rassemble les compétences de paléoanthropologues, neuroscientifiques, informaticiens-mathématiciens et...
Lesedi #25 − December 2022
Lesedi, la revue en ligne de l’IFAS-Recherche, propose un nouveau numéro spécial de 72 pages intitulé Chantiers de recherche. Il rassemble dix articles rédigés essentiellement par des jeunes chercheurs et chercheuses allocataires de l’IFAS-Recherche (en doctorat et post-doctorat) qui y présentent leurs terrains de recherche et leurs travaux récents. Ce...
Lesedi #24 – December 2021
Lesedi. Field notes #24 Lesedi, la revue en ligne de l’IFAS-Recherche, propose un nouveau numéro spécial de 70 pages intitulé « Discussing Social Cohesion in South Africa ». Il rassemble six articles écrits par des divers chercheurs (chercheurs seniors, chercheurs post-doctoraux et doctorants) et discute du concept de « cohésion sociale », en...
Lesedi #23 – November 2020
Lesedi. Field notes #23 Lesedi, the online journal of IFAS-Research, is launching a new special issue of 80 pages focusing on rock art in southern Africa (“The Rock Art of the Hunter-Gatherers”). It contains 14 articles written by senior researchers, post-doctoral researchers and PhD students, presenting ongoing research, new fieldworks and collaborative...
Lesedi #22 – November 2020
Lesedi. Field notes #22 Lesedi, the online journal of IFAS-Research, is launching a new special issue of a 100 pages on the actors of freshwater management in Southern Africa (Lesedi #22: Water actors in Southern Africa. Field surveys, interdisciplinarity and social issues). It contains 10 articles written by senior researchers, post-doctoral researchers and Ph.D....
Lesedi #21 – July 2019
Lesedi. Field notes #21 Lesedi, the online journal of IFAS-Recherche, celebrates its 15th anniversary with a special issue of 64 pages on prehistory and the cultural evolution of Homo sapiens, or “modern humans”, from the Middle to Later Stone Age in Southern Africa. It contains 13 articles written by senior...
Lesedi #20 – November 2018
Lesedi.Field notes #20 Special issue on urban studies Lesedi is the online journal of IFAS-Recherche, published as a field notes publication. The latest issue, #20, is mainly dedicated to urban studies, following the series of workshops and events Experimenting / Experiencing the City, organised in 2017 with our partners from...
Lesedi #19 – April 2016
This issue of Lesedi has Namibia as its focus: Laurent Bruxelles writes about La mission Human Origines in Namibia : à la recherche d’un nouveau berceau de l’Humanité and Jonathan Benabou about Élements pour une anthropologie historique des Damara (Namibie). Also find information on our researchers, conferences and publications. >...
Lesedi #18 – March 2015
This issue of Lesedi has Angola as its focus. Léa Barreau-Tran looks at “Itinéraires d’une commerçante angolaise dans la mondialisation”, Chloé Buire looks at post-war urbanisation issues with “Luanda après la guerre : une urbanisation sous contrôle ?”, while Mathias de Alencastro look at the politics of national development with...
Lesedi #17 – March 2014
In anticipation of the upcoming Congress of the Pan African Archaeological Association, at Wits in July, this issue of Lesedi has Archaeology as its focus. Aurore Val looks at “The Taphonomy of the Australopithecus Sediba of the Malapa Fossil Site ” in Gauteng, Guillaume Porraz gives an overview of “16...