Creolising Societies

Theory & Experiences from Reunion Island, the French Antilles… and South Africa?

Public Conference: 5-6 May 2009

Bernard Price Building
East Campus, Wits University


This two-day seminar, open to the public, discussed the concept of “creolisation” and its circulation from Reunion and the French Antilles to South Africa. “Creolisation” is today a widely embraced and dynamic concept born from literary theory, with a high awareness of the traumas of the past (slavery and apartheid), and particularly appropriate to the analysis of the effects of globalization on societies worldwide.

Three panel discussions, accompanied by a film screening, took place during this two-day event:


  • Theory and critical appraisal of the concept: Reunion and French Antilles development of the concept, and its potential use in the South African context
  • Creolisation and language: what role for creole languages in creolising societies ? (South African, Reunion and French Antilles case studies)
  • How to represent a creolising society to the general public? The role of museums in the creolisation process (MCUR and South African experiences)


> Programme & Abstracts