Les Cahiers de l’IFAS #8: Ten Years of Democratic South Africa

Transition Accomplished?

For the past ten years, South Africa has been progressively coming out of the apartheid system. Although all ties with the former regime have been severed completely, managing the heavy structural legacy has made the transition a difficult as well as an ambivalent proces.

The contributions gathered in this book will try to clarify the trajectory of that transition. Offered analyses share a critical look, without complacency nor contempt, on the transformations at work. Crossing disciplines and dealing with South Africa as an ordinary and standardised country that can no longer be qualified as being a ‘miracle’ or an ‘exception’, gives us an opportunity to address themes that are essential to understanding post-apartheid society: land reforms, immigration policies, educational reforms, AIDS.

This issue of IFAS Working Papers is the translation of a book published with Karthala publishers to celebrate 10 years of the Research section of the French Institute of South Africa (IFAS) and to highlight its major contribution to constructing francophone knowledge on Southern Africa.


Aurelia Wa Kabwe-Segatti, Nicolas Péjout & Phillipe Guillaume (Dir.), 2006, Ten Years of Democratic South Africa. Transition Accomplished?, Johannesburg, IFAS, Les Cahiers de l’IFAS N°8.

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