Cities, Geo-Technologies and Data-Driven Urbanism


An International Workshop at the University of Cape Town

This workshop is organised in a partnership with IFAS-Research, the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), IFRA Nairobi, Sorbonne Université Paris 1 Panthéon’s PRODIG and the African Centre for Cities.


Monday 11 June | 8.30 to 16.45

R.W.James building,Corner University Avenue & Madiba Circle, Room 3B,Upper Campus




8.30 | Welcome Tea and Coffee


9.00 | Session 1: Framing the Dialogue: Strategic input from research and practice (I)

  • Interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary perspectives on cities and geotechnologies

Elisabeth Peyroux, National Centre for Scientific Research, Prodig &Nancy Odendaal, School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics, UCT

  • Technology and spatial governance in Southern cities

Nancy Odendaal, School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics, UCT

  • (Big) Data, knowledge, and their use in decision-making and policy-making: Perspectives from ICT4D

Ulrike Rivett, Department of Information Systems, School of IT, UCT

  • Disruptive technologies, new power relationships and challenges to urban governance

Sabelo Mahlangu, School of Architecture and Planning, Wits University & Samy Katumba, Gauteng City-Region Observatory (GCRO)

  • Linking research, practice and higher education

Herrie Schalekamp, Centre for Transport Studies (CfTS), UCT


10.30 | Tea and coffee break


11.00 | Strategic input from research and practice (II)

  • Geospatial data analysis: The significant rise in local service levels coming from Cityspec intervention in Monwabisi Park and Lotus Park (Cape Town)

Chris Berens, GIS expert, Knowledge Management, VPUU & Nhlanhla May, Spatial Data Analyst, VPUU

  • City making and the rise of urban and technology-oriented development interventions in Nairobi

Prince Guma, Human geography and Planning, University of Utrecht

  • ICT for e-Culture: cultural storytelling and innovative services. The “Smart Square” in Hamburg and its application in Cape Town

Sumarie Roodt, Department of Information Systems, Commerce Faculty UCT & Jens Bley, HafenCity University

  • Demo of 3D scanning technologies applied to the built environment

Jason Stapleton CEO Metascale Services and Consulting (MSC)


11.40 | Session 2: Formation of group discussion

Identification of thematic groups
Briefing for discussion groups
Methods of working


12.30 | Lunch (RW James Building)


13.30 | Session 3: Group discussion

Joint reflexion and analysis
Preparation of feedback


15.30 | Tea and coffee break


15.45-16.45 | Session 4: Synthesis 

Feedback of group discussion
Wrap up and way forward


> Download full programme

> RSVP by June 1st