Ilha de Moçambique : Uma Herança Ambígua

Séverine Cachat

Maputo, Alcance, collection “Regards croisés França|Moçambique”, 2018

The Island of Mozambique is located at the crossroads between various influences: continental, arabo-swahili, Indian, Portuguese… The 1991 classification of the island on the Unesco World Heritage further questioned the construction of local representations, memories and identities. As the Island of Mozambique is caught between this complex network of relations and representations, oscillating between extreme symbols of colonial alienation and plural “mozambiqueness”, the book intends to examine the identitary, political and social stakes of the notion of heritage in the construction of a national identity.

This book is published in the collection “Regards croisés França|Moçambique”, supported by AFRAMO-CHS and IFAS-Research.





Séverine Cachat holds a Ph.D in Social and Cultural Anthropology. She has focused on heritage processes and their stakes in the Indian Ocean. Since 2011, she has been managing the Centre français du patrimoine culturel immatériel (French Centre for Immaterial Cultural Patrimony), as well as the Maison des Cultures du Monde since 2017.