Category: Publications
Géographies de l´exclusion Philippe GUILLAUME, 2001, Paris, Karthala; Johannesburg, IFAS ISBN : 2-84586-165-6 Coll. Hommes et sociétés; Collection directed by Jean Copans [Book in French] South Africa came out of apartheid. Democratisation made it possible to break away from the most “successful” and repressive forms of institutionalised segregation in...
Les Cahiers de l’IFAS #1: Five Years into Democracy
Elite and Rank-and-file Perspectives on South African Quality of Life and the “Rainbow Nation”. The papers in this volume were first presented in two different tracks (“assessing quality of life and living conditions to guide national policy” and “happiness, life satisfaction and subjective well-being”) at the Third Conference of the...
Excursion missionaire dans les Montagnes bleues
suivie de la Notice sur les Zoulas Thomas ARBOUSSET Edition présentée par Alain RICARD, 2000, Paris, Karthala; Johannesburg, IFAS ISBN : 2-84586-048-X Coll. Relire [Book in French] This missionary trip is an account of the conversations with the Sotho King who had never seen white people before meeting missionaries....
Nadine Gordimer
La femme, la politique et le roman Denise BRAHIMI, 2000, Paris, Karthala; Johannesburg, IFAS ISBN : 2-84586-097-8 Coll. Lettres du Sud; Collection directed by Henry TOURNEUX [Book in French] Well before she was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1991, Nadine Gordimer was better known as a white...
Immigration africaine en Afrique du Sud
Les migrants francophones des années 90 Antoine BOUILLON (ed.), 1999, Paris, Karthala; Johannesburg, IFAS ISBN : 2-86537-885-3 Coll. “Man and Society”; Collection directed by Jean Copans [Book in French] Since the abolition of apartheid and the onset of the democratic transition, South Africa has been attracting many foreigners, with...
La question urbaine en Afrique australe
Perspectives de recherche Philippe GERVAIS-LAMBONY, Sylvy JAGLIN, Alan MABIN (eds), 1999, Paris, Karthala; Johannesburg, IFAS ISBN : 2-86537-890-X Coll. “Man and Society”; Collection directed by Jean Copans By confronting different disciplinary approaches (from sociology, economics, geography, history, political science and urban planning), and by widening survey fields to include...
Theory, Politics, History (Volume 1) This collaborative publication entitled Identity? Theory, History, Politics is the first of two companion volumes emanating from the partnership between the French Institute (IFAS), the Institute for Global Dialogue (IGD, formerly FGD ) and the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC). The focus of Volume 1,...
Cities Under Siege
Urban Violence in South, Central and West Africa Antoinnette LOUW & Simon BEKKER (eds), 1996, Durban, Indicator Press; Ibadan, French Institute for Research in Africa; Johannesburg, IFAS ISBN: 1-86840-155-3 In many African countries, daily events of crime and violence threaten lives and stifle the continents prospects for growth, development...